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About Shannon Gray Nutrition

Shannon Gray Nutrition was created to help others reach their health goals that they have not been able to reach before. This a new and improved way to look at food as medicine to regain your health!

Why Nutrition Therapy?

There is not one answer for everyone. There is no quick fix to regain and maintain your health. Food has the power to heal and nourish our bodies, but also has the power to negatively impact our health. Each person has unique needs that can be addressed through nutrition therapy by identifying nutritional needs, imbalances, barriers, and how to incorporate healthy lifestyle habits for each individual. Everyone has a different story. A different lifestyle. It is important to reconnect with the foundation of our health, food, and focus on how YOU can incorporate it into your life. Food is medicine with no side effects. It’s a gift that we should take advantage of to improve our health.


I teach people how to create healthy lifestyle habits to reclaim your health. My approach is focusing on behaviors to change your lifestyle habits to get you to reach your goals. As a plant based dietitian, I incorporate plant based nutrition to help you get there. To truly heal and feel energized like you have never felt before. I want to help build your relationships with plants to connect in a way you could have never imagined.



Initial consultation:

  • Discuss nutrition and health needs specific to you, health history, develop goals, create a plan that works for your lifestyle, nutrition education, develop tools and strategies towards a whole food plant based lifestyle

  • Discuss current eating routines, discuss concerns, review goals and visions, work together to create a plan specific to your needs


Follow-up consultation: 

  • Provide support and accountability that is key to sustain habits and continue to grow and make changes. These sessions provide accountability, education as needed, working through barriers, and focus on healing and improving health. Follow ups can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, monthly, or as needed depending on your preference. This can include education about your health concern, meal planning, goal setting, meal preparation, dining out, exercise, healthy cooking, recipes, grocery shopping tips, food label reading tips, overcoming barriers, ,and more.


Services included: 

  • Sports/performance, low energy, skin (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin), heart health, weight management, pre-diabetes, diabetes, mental wellbeing, migraine, digestive (bloating constipation, diarrhea, IBS, diverticulitis)

How Can This Benefit You?

This is your chance to take health into your own hands. I will be with your along the way of your health journey. You will receive knowledge on foods that heal your body and support your health, and foods that do not serve your health. You will receive tools to incorporate nutrition that fits into YOUR lifestyle. This is your time. I am here to guide you and support you. I am here to empower you to create healthy and sustainable lifestyle habits to nourish your body and improve your health. Together, we can create a community dedicated to improve health and the environment.

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